Arrest, Death Threat, for Farmer with Upside Down Flag
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on July 20th, 2006 1:13 pm by HL
The Progressive As Seen on The Smirking Chimp
Excerpt:Dale Klyn raises beef cows in Corydon, Iowa.
For the past six years, he has been flying an American flag on his property.
But since May 21, that flag has been upside down.
…… he wants to show solidarity for Terri Jones.
She’s the Iowa mom who has been flying her flag upside down after her son returned from the Iraq War and committed suicide. (Klyn had never met her before.)
“When I got the Des Moines Register and read the article about Terri Jones and how her son didn’t get the medical attention he needed, I decided I’m going to support her and oppose what the judge had done and fly my flag upside down,†he says.
H.L.s Take: Any flag, when flown upside down is an international distress signal. I would say that our country is in distress right now. Now if I could only remember the reason…..