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        Thursday, June 01, 2006

       H.L. Meets John Kerry

I was invited to attend the Pacific Conference on National Security's meeting this afternoon at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Century City. The guest speaker of the day was Senator John Kerry. Actually it was Kerry who invited me through Democratic Kerry asked a friend of his who was with DD to invite some L.A. Bloggers. Writers from Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and DD showed up along with H.L., and we watched Kerry give a speech in which he discussed a wide variety of topics. Before it started I met Steven V. Brull, who is the Senior Editor of Institutional Investor Magazine and a member of the Pacific Conference. Steven told me that the PC was a west coast version of the Council on Foreign Relations who operate out of New York, and are more concerned with what is going on in Europe and the Middle East, whereas the PC is more concerned with what is happening on the west coast and in Asia. Former Secretary of State Warren Christopher chaired the meeting, and introduced the Senator. Former Secretary of State Warren Christopher introducing John Kerry at a meeting of the Pacific Council in Los Angeles

Read the rest of the story Here


At 8:36 PM, GV said...

Thanks, HL.
Sounds like a great meeting with Sen Kerry. Thank you for sharing.
I've met the Senator, and I know he listens and acts on what he learns from these meetings. Thank you for bringing up the voting machine issues and the RFK interview with him.

At 9:10 PM, MH said...

Very nice! I'm glad you got to have that frank discussion, even though you didn't get to ask all your questions.

I think he's right about the state-by-state approach to election reform while the Repubs hold the Congress. Look what happened with HAVA. And everything else the repukes touch - even if something starts out as a worthy bill, they find a way to screw it up so that it only helps their cronies.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous said...

You know h.l. I suspected that was the meeting you were refering to that was to come. I wonder WHO YOU ARE?? I read about the Pacific conference a few days ago with Spak chairing the meeting. It was supposed to be non partisan. It dont sound the hell like it. So who bad mouthed America the most???I want to know who you are! Ive got some ideas and Im closing in on knowing.....How about a little hint brother...a little hint for your willfully poor brethren!!!ha ha ha ha ...I mean how many anti-war partime comedian John Kerry associated folks are there around???....Buck out.......

At 12:00 AM, SteveAudio said...

Even though we didn't get a chance to talk today, I echo your sentiments about the blogger meeting. I was really impressed with Kerry, much more than when he was actually a candidate. He was a real guy, who looked us in the eye, said what was on his mind, and followed the script in his heart, I felt, not on paper.

He is a quality guy.

Nice seeing you there.

At 1:14 AM, Anonymous said...

Sorry about that HL I could not resist, after you deleted our first conversation.

I am sorry I was rude and I am sure you enjoyed meeting Kerry very much.

At 2:50 AM, H.L. said...

Rude??? Nothing wrong with being rude, as long as we keep it to politics. Just out covering the story. One thing I noticed though when I saw that picture I said to myself, "Damn, I gotta lose some weight."

At 7:52 AM, Kerryvisionary said...

Excellent report! And I love the photos. Thanks for going in there with an open mind, learning what there was to be learned and seeing John Kerry for who he really is. And thanks for asking him the questions so many of us would ask him if we could meet him!

At 8:32 AM, Anonymous said...

Well I can't talk about democrats or republicans without getting rude. I feel like both parties just toe the line as close as they can to keep their asses in cush government jobs.

Actually helping others or making a difference becomes secondary if a politician has to walk out on a limb to do it.

At 8:37 AM, RJ Eskow said...

Nice picture ... OF MY BALD SPOT! Other than that, an excellent summary of our blogger get-together. I enjoyed meeting you. Best, RJ

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous said...

I love you H.L. I go to your site daily. But don't let this guy Kerry dupe you, he's part of the problem!

At 1:23 PM, Democrafty said...

Thanks so much for the report! You did an awesome job of covering this. One thing I want to refer you to is is JK's appearance on the Stephanie Miller show. He said something he needs to be saying all the time - that the problem with what Blackwell did in OH was that a lot of it was legal. So when he talks about what a crappy system we're dealing with, he's not kidding.

Thanks again for the info!

At 3:12 PM, H.L. said...

To the poster two above. Thanks for the love, but don't worry. I am not being duped by Kerry. While I have more respect for Kerry now then I previously did. If the primary were to be held today I still would not vote for him. That vote would go to Russ Feingold. However with Kerry, Gore, and Hilary all possibly running, its going to be tough for Russ. We'll have to see how it goes.

At 4:48 PM, blackdog said...

Good try, HL. You gave it a good shot, and I hope that it sticks in his craw. Keep up the great work. Brad, sometimes known as blackdog.

At 9:04 PM, Pamela Leavey said...


Kerry has actually brought up the issue of voter disenfranchisement more than a few times in the past year and half. Notably he metioned in his eulogy to Rosa Parks.

Wonderful meeting you the otrher days! Great post.

At 3:25 AM, Anonymous said...

Honestly though...can you possibly agree that the Justices Kerry called idiots are actually idiots? LIstening to any one of them speak or at the Judiciary hearings for Alito and Roberts can't possibly think they are idiots. They may be on the opposite side politically, but they certainly are not idiots. When Kerry says things like that, it may feel good but it is inaccurate. He's the one with the lousy grades. We need to be honest in our assessing of others - not just bash them because they're not one of us.

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous said...

This Bush supporter swelled with pride on the night of the key note address of 04 GOP convention. Thats when the mother of all political ass rippins' went down. I have never felt so good about a democrat. All the work Kerry had done to move the polls in his direction dropped like a rock. Zell Miller (d) Georgia defined not just John Kerry but the manifestation and future collaspe of the anti-war movement. "I can remember when Democrats believed that it was the duty of America to fight for freedom over tyranny". Well spoken!! "against the f16 against the f-111 against the Apache helicopter against National Missile defense......against against against against against"!!!! Well spoken!!! " John Kerry has been more weak more wrong and more wobbly than any orther national figure".....POWERFULLY EDUCATING!!!Buck out.......

At 9:04 AM, Jon said...

Maybe I'm missing something or misread something, but the meeting was supposed to be off the record, but you reported the contents of it anyway?

At 2:44 PM, H.L. said...

Zell Miller was a dried out old southern cracker whore, who sold out his party, and has since been booted on down the road. Lieberman is next.

Zell must have gotten a pretty fat check from the Bush Crime Family.

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous said...

Off and on the record, Kerry is an idiot.

As for voter fraud, people in glass houses shouldn't be throwing rocks.

Voting fraud has gotten so rampant that the only way out of it is to have a national voter registry complete with some type of biometric identification.

Its so easy to be registered in multiple places (addresses, cities, states - take your pick), not to mentioning registration of non-eligible voters (this includes individuals with their voters rights stripped because on criminal convictions and registration by non-US citizens), that unless someone wins any election by more than 10% there is no telling whether or not fraud changed the outcome of the election.

Anyway, while I tend to vote Republican I would be happy to vote out most Republican incumbents if I could replace them without some even worse Kool-Aid drinker.

I've pretty much had it with both political parties as they both are owned by special interests.

Perhaps in the near future with the internet, some Joe or Jane Citizens can win elections (and not just the right or left millionaire club members).

Getting back to my purpose of this post, I call very few people idiots. But if someone is going to call three people idiots who clearly are not idiots, then I'm going to feel quite justified in calling that person an idiot. At the very least, it was an idiotic statement.

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous said...

He acted like it was the first time he thought of the diebold machines because it probably was.

Skull & Bones 1 gave the election to Skull & Bones 2, no matter how much that hurts you all. What do you think they talked about on the phone every day? (the press reported Kerry and Bushed talked on the phone nearly every single day) And what do you think they talked about when Bush 1 & 2 and Kerry all vacationed on Deer Island together?

Republicans, Democrats, you're all sheep. Vote third party.

At 1:24 PM, Chairman eDog said...

You know, HL, that "cracker" is comparable to "nigger" as a racial slur. And what, pray tell, does his race have to do with his support of Bush anyway? More to the point, are liberals at all capable of criticizing anyone without deeming them racists? It's a rather narrow-minded trope, though also deliciously ironic and indicative of the intellectual morass of the left.

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous said...

I would never vote for Kerry, I think he is a lightweight who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, and I have thought that for the last 15 years or so. Anyone who thinks the election was manipulated in Ohio is delusional. Having said all that, I think you gave him a raw deal. If he said the conference was off the record and you all agreed to it, then it should be OFF THE RECORD. How do you justify breaking your word to a man you support?

At 1:37 PM, Rob said...

I would like to repeat the question Jon asked but H.L. failed to answer:

"Maybe I'm missing something or misread something, but the meeting was supposed to be off the record, but you reported the contents of it anyway?"


At 2:08 PM, H.L. said...

OK its time for me to go "On The Record" About "Off The Record"
First of all the whole event was not "Off The Record" only the bloggers meeting part was.
Should I have not printed the stuff that Kerry said "Off The Record" Perhaps Not.

It may have been a mistake on my part. I thought about it more after writing the story, and thought about taking the "Idiots" comment out of the story, but then I would have been criticized for changing the story, and not standing by what I said. (and maybe even of flip-flopping)
Kerry did not come out and just make a declarative statement that "The Justices are Idiots" He said it offhandedly while he was on a rant about something else.

One more thing. I have corresponded at least twice with the friend of Kerry's who set up the meeting and have gotten no indication from her that Kerry, or anyone else is upset with what I wrote.
I also thought to myself: If Kerry really didn't want what he said "Off The Record" then why have the bloggers meeting. Actually it was not Kerry who said that the meeting was off the record it was one of his staffers.

If I hear from Kerry, or anyones else connected with him, that he is upset about what I wrote I will offer a public apology.

At 2:26 PM, H.L. said...

To the person who wrote about the Cracker comment. I did not see the word "Cracker" anywhere in the story. You may have commented to the wrong post. You probably read the movie review of "The Road To Guantanamo"

So Cracker is as bad as Nigger is it? I don't think so. Nigger is a derogatory term used at a whole race of people. Cracker is a term only aimed at racist bastards. See the difference?

At 2:42 PM, David said...

You think Ken Blackwell engineered some sort of election trick with Diebold? Moron - we just had elections here in Cuyahoga county, (where I live) which is about 90% democrat, AND THERE WERE STILL PROBLEMS! Go ahead, google it. They still didnt know who had won some of the contests, a week after the vote. Is Diebold now sneakily plotting to interfere in democrat campaigns too? Gee, how we gonna blame this one on the republicans?

Get a life already. People don't vote democrat because this is no longer the 60s, not because of your tin har theories.

At 2:52 PM, Robin Bensely said...

Your lack of compunction about using the term "cracker" is a perfect illustration of why most normal white men don't vote for democrats: The democrat party thinks its OK to practice racism against whites, particularly white men.

What is "affirmtiave action", if not judging a man based soley on the color of his skin? Even your guy Kerry had no trouble calling a third of the Supreme Court idiots, but was too scared to say the same of Thomas because he was black. It's OK to insult whites, but not blacks! That's the democrats for you - they'll throw millions of dollars at blacks so that they'll stay poor and vote democrat. All white people, meanwhile, can go to hell.

It happens to be that I oppose the war in Iraq also. However, I will never, under any circumstances, vote for any democrat until they get rid of the reverse racisim platform they stand for. Otherwise, as a white person, I would be shooting myself in the vote to vote for a democrat. It would make it harder for my kids to get into school, and harder for my contractor cousins to get work.

At 3:15 PM, LMZ90028 said...

David-haven't you just made the case against Diebold?? Clearly it is a horrible way to send our votes off to be counted.

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous said...

What road has he been booted down??He represents the mass exodus of people from the democratic party. An epidemic of dove mites has eatin' away the democratic party. Anti war bishops of hollywood continue to infect in plauge like fasion minds of mush......Zell Miller would be happy to lay the meat to all anti-war chums I suspect.....Buck out......

At 4:54 PM, H.L. said...

Did you read what I wrote. I said that cracker is a term against a particular type of white man, not the entire race, not only that but it is based on the very thing you accuse me of "White Racism" Since I said nothing against The White Race in general how can it be racist. If you don't understand the differnce between the entire race, and just one segment of it. Then I don't know what to tell you.

At 5:11 PM, Noisy Democrat said...

This is mostly a great post, but I agree with those who think it went too far in terms of divulging information.

It doesn't matter whether Senator Kerry himself complains -- frankly, I wouldn't expect him to, since then there'd be a high likelihood that you'd post to say "Senator Kerry was upset by my post!" and then we'd have *that* rattling around the airwaves for a week. In fact, you've come right out and said that *if* you ever apologize, that's to be interpreted as meaning that Kerry himself (or his staff) communicated that he was upset. That's not a good position to put the Senator in.

The bottom line is, off the record means off the record. I was shocked to see you say that a meeting was off the record and then go on and quote from it. Perhaps Senator Kerry isn't upset at all. But it still reflects poorly on your blog. Let me put it another way: I don't have access to any high-profile people. But if I did, I wouldn't want to invite anyone to a meeting with them who had a track record of not understanding the term "off the record" -- whether Senator Kerry himself was upset in this case or not.

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous said...

My comment- you're a tool. It was an OFF THE RECORD interview and therefor should not be represented in any way. It's basically some pictures and you "quoting" Kerry with whatever words you want him to say. Hurray for journalistic integrity.

At 7:57 PM, Anonymous said...

So the way to make the nation better is to "stall all republican legislation"? What happened to a goverment of the people, by the people and FOR the people. Stalling the wheels of government just to win political points isn't why they were sent to Washington. Both parties forget why they are elected and it has come down to infantile finger poking.

At 8:11 PM, Orin Ryssman said...

HL writes,

At some other point he referred to Supreme Court Justices Alito, Scalia, and Roberts as Idiots

Two words: sour grapes. Bush has appointed two, count them two, Justices to the Supreme Court and Kerry will never get to. Rather than trying to look like a contender in '08, Kerry ought to do his job as a US Senator.


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous said...

When you got Osama Bin Laden making tapes using John Kerry talking points somethings gone wrong! He just lets the democrats complain and bitch. Then makes a tape saying the same bullsh*t. .....Hell ........I would not be suprised if the 08 democratic tickit was KERRY/BIN LADEN!!!......Buck out.....

At 10:54 PM, H.L. said...

How can Bin Laden be on the Democrats ticket when he is hiding in an underground cave in Washington with Dick Cheney???

At 6:50 AM, David said...

To LZM - the BS that democrats have been (unsuccessfuly) trying to peddle againt Diebold is not that they're bad vote counters, but that they build their machines crooked, so as to favor republicans. I therefore observed that the last election feautured contested votes in a nearly 100% democrat-controlled county. So clearly their "crooked machine" nonsense is just another democrat talking point that convinces only the dumber choir members.

At 7:34 AM, Anonymous said...

What has Kerry done that has made a diffrence in this country?
What legislation has the man pushed?
The man is not even worthy of contempt and frankly I am pissed the DNC can't field a candidate worthy of considering when voting and has not in a long time.

Both parties are devoid of anything aproaching accountability and our resresentative republic has been hijacked by special intrest groups and lobbyist parties. The people who hold office are elected to do the will of the people and not be self serving or serve the intrests of big business!

In short Washington needs an enema at all levels and a huge wake up call.

At 9:56 AM, H.L. said...

What has Kerry done that has made a diffrence in this country?
What legislation has the man pushed?

Well you can start Here

You can also read Follow the Money: How John Kerry Busted the Terrorists' Favorite Bank in BCCI

Don't forget that John Kerry, was the man who uncovered Iran-Contra

You know all the things that Bush and The Crooked Ass Rebpulicans. Have gotten caught doing in the last 20 years anonymous, so go on back over to Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, or whereever and continue to believe the lies.

Hey David. Of course the stolen votes are going to come from a heavily Democratic county. What good would it do them to steal votes from a heavily Republican County where they already have the votes. Thats like going out and stealing your own car. Duhhh. Now go back to Patterico, and tell him to give you some more great information.

To the other brave anonymous poster, Yes the way to get things done is to stall ALL Rebublican leglislation since ALL Republican legislation is designed to
a)stuff more of our money into their pockets.
b) take away more of our freedoms, or
C) both.

Keep believing Rush Limbaugh, and Fox news.

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous said...

That's an impressive list, HL.

Did he also invent the internet?

At 3:06 PM, H.L. said...

Hey Idiot, first of all, someone asked what John Kerry had done, and I answered, Wheres you website so I can come on there and give you a hard time. Oh thats right you don't have one. You don't even have a name Mr. Anonymous.

Oh one more thing Al Gore never claimed he invented the internet

Another lie made up by your right wing spin machine blowhards.

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry you all are so concerned over Kerry's meeting. It must be nice to have a diversion away from the REAL know, the disaster that is the Iraq war, the disaster that is very soon going to be Iran, the growing socio-economic inequalities, the debt and deficit, not to mention the fact that we had an election today.
Looks like the rightwingers stay true to the Fox News method...divert attention! Next thing you know they'll be back to talking about Natalee Holloway and trying to revive Terry Schiavo.

At 3:44 PM, H.L. said...

So I guess you don't read this site, much......

the disaster that is the Iraq war, the disaster that is very soon going to be Iran, the growing socio-economic inequalities, the debt and deficit, not to mention the fact that we had an election today.......

Dude, thats all we talk about on The Hollywood Liberal, that is what we are all about.

Today alone I ran a story on Iraq, another story by Cindy Sheehan, another story on Afghanistan, another story on the election,
another story on the economy...not to mention the top 10 GOP Adulterers.

Just because this posting is getting a lot of comments doesn't mean thats all we do.


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous said...

I was referring to the other commenters on this page! I can't believe a posting about one meeting has 40+ comments and has caused all this debate, while you have stories up about things 1000 times more important that no one seems to have anything to say about. I just find it interesting.
Anyhow, I support what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

At 3:57 PM, H.L. said...

Sorry bro, I gotcha, Thank You.

At 8:43 PM, Dave from Princeton said...

Noisy Democrat,

I agree with you 100%

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous said...

Ha ha.. '"Cracker" isn't a racist term.' You need to get out of california more, dude. As a born and bred southerner if you called me cracker to my face we'd have to step outside. It is the exact same as the n word only for white people. On the flip side, we need a better candidate than Ms. Heinz.

At 5:48 AM, RedRob said...

Interesting article. I wish Kerry had exhibited some chutzpah during his campaign. I mean, how can you be handed something like Abu Graib and not do anything?

The reason why serious election reform won't happen in this country is both parties have been fixing elections for a long time. The Rep's are just now far better at it than the Dem's.

A pox on both their houses...

At 1:24 AM, Guitar Smitty said...

Actually, Anoymous Dude, meeting with and having access to for a significant amount of time and riding down the elevator afterwards with a United States Senator IS something to debate and talk about. I have a feeling HI will be telling his grandchildren about that one.

At 1:34 AM, Guitar Smitty said...

Oh, and BTW, HL: Kudos to your work, I just stumbled upon this site whilst surfing. I enjoyed reading all "40+" comments to this thread. Very cool.

At 6:55 AM, H.L. said...

To everyone who liked the story, thanks for the compliment.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous said...

Great meeting with John Jockstrap Kerry. Of course, every conservative is an idiot, and John knows best. Ju