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Go to The Hollywood Liberal's Main Page. April 21, 2005. He's back for more, The first ever H.L. negative emailer, not content with the ass whoopin I gave him last time, he came back for more. I am going to post his whole letter, then we will break it down point by point, and put old Mikey in his place.(scroll down 2 days to see the original email and my response.) From: Mike first point, bush filed taxes this year with an income of $650,000. a few zeros short of millions if not billions.It's the arab's that are making the billions. If bush lied us into war so did everyone else! how is it bush's fault that stupid ass Americans drive gas gobbling suv's? you contradict your self by using the suv's as an increase on demand causing higher prices but you don't want to hear about economic factors . like china as increased its demand for oil two fold over the last 10 years and increasing as we speak! our country still pays less for gas than any other country other than Arab country's gas prices have been climbing for the past eight years. Remember when that moron bill Clinton tapped into the oil reserve's to relieve soaring gas prices. which did nothing to effect pricing only leaving us more venerable to the strangle hold we are in for oil. if you want lower gas prices use less gas, drill for more and build more refineries and find alternate fuel sources but don't blame the Prez good day to you! now go and listen to air america and Al franken or maybe put in a Michael moron movie ps tax cuts it's a good thing Ok now lets take Mikey to school. first point, bush filed taxes this year with an income of $650,000. a few zeros short of millions if not billions. H.L.s Response. What are you in High School Mikey? Please tell me you are, I have a hard time believing an adult could be this dumb. They are not going to put the money right into Bush's personal bank account. Its not just the President I am talking about, in my reply to your email I said Bush, his family, Cheney Etc. The Bush family has been in the oil business for years, Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, and still owns 433,333 shares of Halliburton Stock Cheney's Halliburton Ties Remain Halliburton is getting Billions of Dollars in no bid contracts from the Iraq war where they are pumping out Thousands of Gallons of Oil a day. Halliburton's Deals Greater Than Thought There also happens to be about 9 billion missing, but hey mistakes happen. Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds It's the arab's that are making the billions. And who is the one of the main business associate of the Arabs? The Bush's. The Bush-Saudi Connection I know you didn't see Fahrenheit 9/11, due to your Michael Moron comment, at the end of your letter. (That was very clever by the way, what did you and your buddies come up with that while you were sitting around smoking dirt weed, and drinking 40's out behind the barn.) but in the movie Moore laid out the entire connection, and how it all related to 9/11, and its all documented Mikey, so don't tell me he is lying. No one has proven a single word of that movie wrong and they would if they could. If bush lied us into war so did everyone else! Um excuse me, but who is the President? You know, the Boss, the one who's desk the buck stops at. It's George W. Bush, It doesn't matter who else lied, and by the way, the lies were all coming from the top. Top Military commanders didn't want to go in there, you know why? Because they thought the whole thing would turn into a quagmire that would last years resulting in thousand of dead soldiers and civilians. The Generals' Revolt Bush wanted that war for the oil so bad he could taste it. how is it bush's fault that stupid ass Americans drive gas gobbling suv's? Mike did you read my response. I guess you are not much better at reading then you are at writing. In the response I said. Bush is giving a large tax cut to anyone who buys huge SUVs SUV, truck owners get a big tax break Why would he do that unless he wanted to create more of a demand for the product his friends and family sell. you contradict your self by using the suv's as an increase on demand causing higher prices but you don't want to hear about economic factors. like china as increased its demand for oil two fold over the last 10 years and increasing as we speak! I'll go along with you on that, but its beside the point, you are saying that the president has no bearing on Oil prices, and I say it does. our country still pays less for gas than any other country other than Arab country's But Mikey, we are the only country that goes out and kills for oil, If we are killing all these people (ours and theirs) for oil, and the prices are still high, then something is wrong, don't you think. That money is going somewhere. gas prices have been climbing for the past eight years. Remember when that moron bill Clinton tapped into the oil reserve's to relieve soaring gas prices. which did nothing to effect pricing only leaving us more venerable to the strangle hold we are in for oil. Ok Mike, lets have a look at this chart I got here its from The California Energy Commission Website. We will use California as a reference, since that is where I live. You probably don't live in California Mike, that's a good thing. Ok if you look at the chart you will see that the first big spike in Oil Prices came in 1973, when Richard Nixon was President. And Nixon was what? A Republican. You may say but hey we were in Viet Nam then, yes we were because Republicans are being funded by the people who get rich on War, and Oil. Now the second big spike came in 1982 when Ronald Reagan was President. And Reagan was what? A Republican, Now you may say, hey we were Shelling Beirut back then, we were also doing battle with the mighty forces of Grenada, Reagan cranked up the military full force, why? Because Republicans are being funded by people who get rich on Oil, and war. When Bill Clinton took office in 1993 Gas Prices for Regular in California were about 1.15 per gallon. On Election Day 2000, prices were about 1.55 per gallon, a 40 cent per gallon increase in 8 years, Since Bush stole the election in 2000 a little over 4 years ago, Gas prices have gone up over 1 dollar a gallon. You do the Math, can you add Mikey? And of course since a Republican is in office we are once again at war. if you want lower gas prices use less gas, Very good Mikey, and one way would be to end tax cuts for SUVs drill for more and build more refineries Well that's a bit of a problem, See we (the planet) is running out of oil. Running out of oil - and time In another 30-40 years there will be virtually none left. So we need to do what you next suggest. and find alternate fuel sources Bingo Mikey, But we don't do that, why not? Is it because the people who run this country are in the oil business, they are in a mad dash to grab as much cash as they can on oil now, and screw what happens in 40 years They will be so rich they will be able to adapt to whatever happens. Will we? but don't blame the Prez Sorry Mikey gotta give blame where its due. good day to you! now go and listen to air america and Al franken or maybe put in a Michael moron movie Clever Mikey, very clever. ps tax cuts it's a good thing Only if you make more then 200,000 a year, which is more then you will probably make in your entire life. Enjoy. Read The Next H.L. Back Issue To see all of the Issues. Go to our Back Issues Page |